Global Service Model

Global Service Model

Sophisticated asset managers require the highest quality investor servicing, regardless of location or time zone.

Vanward delivers this through a global service model tailored to the needs of each manager. We locate servicing teams based on clients’ time zones, the location of their fund domiciles, and their markets of distribution.

Our consistent harmonized global service model creates operational efficiencies, mitigates risk, and improves the client experience and that of their investors.

One Global Team

With one global P&L and integrated team, the Vanward service experience is seamless. We give clients the ability to direct all inquiries and communications through one, multi-disciplinary, client-facing team in their time zone of choice. This facilitates the highest levels of client engagement, transparent communication, and measurably superior service.

Technology Platform

Our single global technology platform and intelligent integration of business teams and technologists is central to our goal of providing a superior client experience.

Regardless of client or fund domicile, our service teams have access to the same systems and real-time information, providing one common platform for quick inquiry turnaround and continuous improvement. Our platform enables clients to receive information at the opening of their business day regardless of where they are located.

Serving select segments of the financial services industry, our investments are focused on making every application on our platform highly relevant to clients, and more responsive and transparent than our peers.