Public Equity

Vanward Internationals investment and wealth management teams employ what we consider to be a low-risk approach to equity investing. We base this on consistent logical and objective decision making. Attractive risk-adjusted returns are generated for our clients by applying comprehensive sets of criteria to our portfolio.

Our guiding principles include:
• Invest in well-established, cash-generating companies that are market leaders in the provision of essential goods and services.
• At the time of purchase, investments must be acquired at a discount to our estimate of intrinsic value* (e.g., a margin of safety** in the stock price).
• Invest in a small number of companies in order to minimise the impact of unanticipated company-specific issues, and invest only in companies that meet stringent business and valuation criteria.
• Think like owners and administrators by holding stakes in businesses over a long period of time to increase wealth and decrease transaction costs.

Learn how our bottom-up investment strategy incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations.