The competitive marketplace is driving asset gatherers of all sizes to broaden the scope of their
investments, and look to a greater range of products, instruments, and markets to improve returns for their
investors and clients. This is introducing new operational complexities, risks and regulatory requirements.
Working with a global custodian that has proven expertise in managing risk and complexity has never been
more important. As a specialist in navigating the new and difficult, Vanward has earned the trust of the
world’s most sophisticated asset gatherers to ensure timely settlement, accurate safekeeping and reporting
of their most complex funds and asset types.
Taking Risk Personally
As a privately owned firm, Vanward is intently focused on risk management. We are committed to investing in a
best-in-class compliance infrastructure and maintain segregated accounts to deliver the highest levels of
transparency and security to every client. With a non-captive sub-custodian bank strategy, we independently
select banks we determine to be the best and most trusted service providers in each market. This delivers
risk diversification, resilience, and the ability to benchmark all aspects of market interactions.
Uncovering New Sources of Value
Vanward partners with clients to uncover new sources of value and create mutually beneficial relationships
focused on growth. As our clients expand, we help them identify market trends and design solutions to manage
the complexity of new asset classes and investment structures. We co-create products in an open architecture
environment supported by a single global technology platform, designed to evolve with their changing
requirements. Our technology investments are focused on enabling client growth through continuous
improvements in the efficiency, transparency, and accessibility of our applications, rather than integrating
multiple operating environments.
Delivering Measurably Superior Service
Vanward is committed to delivering a measurably superior client service experience. Our 24-hour global service
model is tailored to our clients’ geographic, language, and time zone requirements. Our service teams and
clients access the same systems and real-time information, providing one common platform for quick inquiry
turnaround. This integrated model helps Vanward seamlessly execute on our clients' routine and complex
requirements. We are an industry leader in automation and straight through processing.