Fixed Income

Vanward has managed fixed income strategies for public and private institutions and wealthy families. Our approach to fixed income can be summed up in a single sentence: we acquire durable credits* when they are offered at appealing yields. Our taxable, tax-exempt, and inflation-indexed investment strategies are founded on our distinctive investment philosophy and valuation methodology and are designed to generate attractive long-term returns.

Our investment ethos is based on the following guiding principles:
• Historically, credit valuations in fixed income sectors offer recompense in excess of default-driven losses.
• The volatility of credit spreads exceeds that which is warranted by their underlying fundamentals, creating a favourable environment for active management.
• We believe that a patient, long-term approach is required to achieve superior total returns.

Our strategy concentrates on issuers of debt in key market sectors, such as:
• Corporate debt
• Investing in asset-backed securities
• Investments in commercial mortgage-backed securities
• Municipal obligations
• Securities indexed to inflation
• Federal agencies
• Agency-backed mortgage securities
• U.S. Treasuries