Syndicated And Originated Debt

Syndicated And Originated Debt

Vanward is a leading global service provider for alternative funds, with over $275 billion* in assets under administration.

Servicing $72 billion* in syndicated debt funds and $33 billion* in originated debt funds, we have the expertise in the full variety of structures and jurisdictions that both traditional and specialist alternative asset managers consider for this type of investment.

We offer clients a specialised debt processing service incorporating the industry leading Wall Street Office system. Our debt servicing model is fully integrated into our core asset servicing platform leading to an efficient and streamlined service experience for managers requiring servicing across their full range of funds.

Vanward believes this is an important growth area for alternative managers and has invested in technology and people with the expertise required to support managers as they move into this space and grow their portfolios.

*as of December 2019.